ryo walks out to his yard and watches a car pass by with 3 men and one seems to be his brother blody in the back seat. ryo runs to his brothers house 7 doors down to the right and see that its been trashed and is slowly burning away.
Damn Ryo shouts as he begins to sprint to his house and hops on his bike.
racing down the street he pulls out his g18 and begins to fire upon the kindnappers vehicel. the men return fire and take out ryos back tire causing him to flip over and be knocked unconsious.
he awakens 10 mins. later luckly unharmed. finds his bike and begins to drive slowly back to his lodging.
at home he heads to the officer at his brothers damaged house and reports his brother missing. the officer questions him about his damaged clothing and blood on his face and neck. ryo replies " i was making a tuned and skid on my bike im fine. thee officer blows him off after more unimportiant questioning and says he will do all he can.
ryo retieres to his homested and rests untill the next day...........